Intimacy Reading


Intimacy Reading


*** Your Reading and Photo of the cards pulled for you will be emailed to you within 48 hours.

An Intimacy Reading with Angela (Elle) offers a peek into the shadow of our intimate lives. Intimacy permeates every facet of our life. From the way we relate to those around us to how we feel  about and treat ourselves, intimacy is a common thread. It is the hidden current that guides our actions . By becoming more aware of what pulls and pushes our behavior we can become more intentional in how we show up and this can lead to deeper intimacy with ourselves and others. Through intimacy we can uncover what we want and understand how we can have it.

About Angela

Angela is Maeven and Alchemist who guides people through personal transformation. She is an Intimacy Coach& Educator,  Award Winning Boudoir Photographer, Yoga & Meditation Instructor, Body Image Specialist, and Advocate. Utilizing  a variety of modalities  Angela leads others to deepen their intimacy with curiosity and compassion. Skilled at holding supportive space she offers a place for clients to dive deep and discover their desires.

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